Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Updated Slidedecks and Upcoming Classes

This last month, I've been cleaning up and updating several of our classes, in preparation for some teaching opportunities we have scheduled in June!

I've dusted off and completely rewritten Essentials of Kink-Aware Care, which is a half-day class for healthcare providers. It's been a few years since we've had a chance to present to our care providers, and it's such an important topic to get information out there. In partnership with a local trans-care clinic, we'll be presenting that in early June.

I'll be presenting Building Your Basic Toybag at our local kink community center a few weeks after that. This is one of the presentations you can find here on this blog. For this one, though, the slide deck and the blog presentation look substantially different, but I couldn't just update one, so I did both. And that meant also updating the sample toybag Amazon wishlist that goes with it, too.

Next up is Dungeon Essentials, which I'll be headed out of town to teach. It was my first class that I taught back in 2010, but it's still evolving every time I teach it. This time, I updated some colors and formatting, and added one slide. The version on this blog doesn't have the updates; those who see it live will get those!

Other classes coming up in the fall include Making a Scene and Octopus Attack. Come see me if you get a chance!