Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Kink Belongs at Pride - But Consensually

Someone asked me recently - knowing what my answer would be, of course, "Does kink belong at Pride? And followed it up with, "To what extent? With what limits?" So of course I decided to write about it. I'm using the term Queer a lot in this one, and in this case I'm using it as an umbrella term to cover folks who are gay, lesbian, trans, bi, pan, poly, kinky, of all different sexualities, of various gender identities... all the colors of all the rainbows. All the people who are part of Pride.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

New Class: Fit to be Tied


We're working on a new class! Coming soon: Fit to be Tied. It's a class for Rope Bottoms. 

- Preparing to Play - making yourself ready for bottoming in rope

- Playing in a Rope Scene - fully engaging in the rope scene

- Playing with Rope Over Time - managing risk levels and accounting for experience

Monday, January 17, 2022

Presentations now updated

I got to present Making a Scene this past weekend, so I went through and updated the presentation here with the latest slides and a little bit of updated talking points.

Making a Scene

And since I was working on that one, I went ahead and updated Dungeon Essentials, too!

Dungeon Essentials