Thursday, December 21, 2023

Now With QR Codes!

I attended a presentation by a fellow educator yesterday, and he did something that got me excited. On the very first slide of his presentation - the slide which sat there while everything was getting started - he had a QR code that would allow attendees to download his slide deck.

I thought this was brilliant. For people who weren't sitting up close and perhaps couldn't see the slides well and/or couldn't hear him well. For people who couldn't process as quickly as he talked and would like to go back to the slides later. For people who saw something on the slides they wanted to refer back to later and research on their own. For people who came in late or had to leave early. There are plenty of reasons why someone might benefit from having access to the slides on their own mobile device.

So of course I've now spent today going to each of my presentations that I have a slide deck for, and adding a QR code to the title slide, which links to the presentation page here. That will allow attendees to my classes to come back and read through the class, refer to things as needed. And will also lead them to, perhaps, look at my other classes. More education all over the place!

And I went a further step. The final slide in each of my presentations includes my Linktree, which helps guide people to this blog, my facebook education page, and my FetLife links. I've encouraged people to take a picture of that slide for that info. So I made a QR code of that, as well, and put it on the final slide of each presentation. I love finding a way to get education more accessible for folks!

Oh, and here's that final slide QR code for you:

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